new years · personal · resolution · Uncategorized


Well I clearly did a horrible job maintaining my blog, so some updates from 2015. I cooked a lot, moved to a new apartment, got a full-time job at Disney World, crafted  little, read some great books, watched my sister graduate from high school and start college, saw 3 of my closest friends get engaged, went to Disneyland for the first time, made some really great friends, and overall had an amazing year. I’m hoping I can do a better job of keeping up with this in the coming year. I’m going to make separate posts with some categories so that I can try to tag them better and one day when this blog is overflowing with posts (yeah, right) it will be easier to navigate!

books · cooking · craft · diy · fitness · food · new years · personal · reading · resolution

The Beginning.

I am starting this blog for myself. To track things that I do like new dishes I cook, crafts I make, books I read, and my futile effort to get in shape. My resolution for 2015 is to find myself. Discover what I want to do, where I want to be, and who I am. Encompassed in this goal are some smaller resolutions: read 52 books, cook at least one dish a week (really cook, not just macaroni and cheese), try to get in shape, excel at my job, and craft more. Here I will document this year and my experiences.

“Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” -Walt Disney